Growing together is the best method to get a productive harvest.
This area (Plumas/Sierra County) has a funny way of blending the seasons. There is an art to knowing when to plant, but being attentive to your needs and your micro-biome yield beautiful results. That is part of our goal of coordinating harvests and promoting a crop swap, exchange & barter system. You may be able to grow something your neighbor cannot. Simply put we have to work with nature and our neighbors.
You must consider when your going to be harvesting, how much you need, and how much you plan to store/pickle/preserve? These many questions will arise every year. We recommend keeping a detailed record to have something to compare to as you go. We are very willing to help do this as part of BROADFORK member services.
Do you have a design in mind for your garden? Whether you prefer a small plot with a few varieties or an outright farm - we can work together to design the best result for everyone.
You’ll be learning as time goes on what is luck and what is planning. You'll have Agribon or some other frost-protection material at the ready all year long. You'll always end up with too much of something, and that is what we live for!
Recommended Reading
Gary Romano's latest book, JULY & Winter, takes on this very important subject. Do you want to improve your site’s yeilds? Or do you want to extend a harvest? Do you want to try an over-winter crop? There are so many thing to discuss and learn from one another.
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